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light pollution (街燈、廣告、玻璃墻等發出眩目強光所造成的)光污染。

light quantum

The inflation of urban population has brought a series of problems , such as the environmental pollution , the ecology destruction , the excessively dense buildings , trash , waste water and gas , noise , solid waste , light pollution , the organic and inorganic pollution , and so on 如環境污染,生態破壞,過密的建筑物使人們在水泥林立的高樓大廈中生活,垃圾、廢水、廢氣、噪音、固體廢棄物、光污染、有機與無機污染等這一系列的城市公害,損害了人們的生存空間,威脅著人們的身體健康和生命安全。

Unfortunately , there was still light pollution although technology was improved many times . to ensure environment protection , wanbao company decided to remove all the old product lines and reinstall the product lines of oxide electrolysis . the total set is 30 , and equipped with two 25kg vacuum induce stoves , the yield is 1400 mt per year . the main production are low - zinc low - magnesium lanthanum metal , low - zinc low - magnesium mischmetall , neodymium metal , didymium metal , yttrium metal , dysprosium metal etc 多年來,萬寶公司一直從事氯化物電解生產,雖經多次環保治理,仍有一定污染,為確保綠色環保生產,公司決定將原有生產線拆除,全部改裝成氧化物電解生產,總臺數為30臺,年產量為1400噸,同時配備兩臺25kg真空感應爐。主要生產低鋅低鎂金屬鑭低鋅低鎂混合稀土金屬金屬釹鐠釹金屬

Using the learning community technology , the author constructed a learning model of thematic learning community on internet among middle schools . then choosing several complex concepts - air temperature , light shadow , light pollution from middle school physics book as learning topic , the author carried out two turns of action research in several middle school class in different areas 本研究以初中物理為實踐學科,選取了“氣溫” 、 “光影” 、 “光污染”等幾個復雜概念作為學習主題,以行動研究的方式,在不同地區的幾所8年級中學生中開展了為期8個月的兩輪應用研究。

Light pollution projects such as electronics , light industry and textile are welcome while heavy pollution projects such as papermaking , tanning , circuit board , electroplating , chemical engineering and printing and dying are inhibited 鼓勵引進電子、輕工、紡織等輕污染行業項目;禁止引進造紙、制革、線路板、電鍍、化工、印染等重污染的項目。

The industrial park is dominated by non - pollution or light pollution industries with automobiles , electronics , communication , instrument , bioengineering , daily chemical products and food processing 園區以無污染或輕污染工業為主,主要工業門類為汽車、電子、通訊、儀表、生物工程、日化及食品加工。

The result shows that this system can improve intensity of illumination of residential district and efficiently control the light pollution 結果顯示該評價體系不僅能夠很好提高居住區的照明度,還能很好地控制光污染,顯著提高了住區的環境質量。

However , unlike other forms of environmental pollutions , the effects light pollution can easily be reduced and even reversed 然而,不同于其它形式的污染,光污染的影響很容易控制甚至能被利用。

Nonetheless , the light pollution in hong kong is too severe to let us appreciate as many meteors as citizen in suburb beijing did 但由于香港的光害始終太嚴重,無法看到像北京?郊那樣多的流星。

Some kinds of serious pollutions are air pollution , water pollution , waste pollution , noise pollution , and light pollution 有幾種嚴重的污染:空氣,水,垃圾,噪音污染以及光害

Like other forms of environmental damage , light pollution ia created by man and contaminates our surroundings 與其形式的環境損害一樣,光污染由人制造并能污染環境。

Stargazing can be a luxury in hong kong where light pollution and high - rise buildings are almost everywhere 古人說月明星稀,但在繁華的香港,何時不星稀?

Results of light pollution effect everyone in many negative ways 描述:光污染會通過很多方式對人類產生負面影響。